Pimp my helmet (updated Januari 26)

Step two: discuss the disign with the Yak crew Step three: The helmet is securely taped and sandpapered. In a special prepared paint cabin, the helmet will be sprayed with primer and painted in a neutral soft white colour. Only non-static Acryl paint is to be used at Studio Lijnden, of course quite important for the equipment in the aircraft, also SAFETY FIRST at studio Lijnden.
Damned you Harrold, you knew I wanted the helmet to be red :-)
Aaah, sorry Harrold, here is the red paint...
At the back of the helmet, the spot for the Yakkes logo is securely taped.
Even the traditional artist can't work without a PC
Hey Harrold, if you are using printers... even I can do the job ! (NOT)
Dude, this is a piece of precision work
The master himself !
Aaah, there is the Wodk.. euh red star !
The Yakkes Logo is carefully spraid, step by step
Now it's lightning time, same as the Red Yak sides
And it's all done by hand
Notice the numbers of crashed aircraft, thanks Harrold!
Ready for the glossy paint
desided to remove the name, it's too busy
Even the leather cover can be airbrushed !
Tip of the day, never ever tell the artis: "well see what you do with the protection cover, it's all yours" Stay tuned for the latest images !
At 9:15 am,
Harrold-Airbrushlijnden.com said…
Don't be affraid Jerome.
You can all ways buy a new helmet...
At 11:21 pm,
Anonymous said…
Great, nice detailed report of the job of a craftsman. Never though pimping a helmet took this much work!
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