blog: Texel Fly-Inn 2008
The 2008 Texel Fly-inn was, .as always, well planned and a joy to visit for the red Yak. Perfect weather, with a gusty wind later in the afternoon, attracted all sorts of flying machines. For Yakkes Erik Kraaijenhof and Eric Coeckelberghs (los dos Enricos), took off from Eindhoven to grab some pictures, preferably from the air, of the DC6, Catalina and the DC3 at Texel.
Unfortunately the DC6, after a lot of confusion, never showed up!
Unfortunately the DC6, after a lot of confusion, never showed up!
But a unique combination of the Dakota and Catalina created some great shots from the air. We even have the Catalina on film during a “splashdown” waterlanding. Images will be published soon.
Thanks to a well oiled organisation led by Mister Ed (de Bruin) and son the Texel Fly-inn was a great succes!
Stay tuned !