Last weekend we were invited to visit Dieter Gehling for its end of season party. Dirty job, but somebody has to go. Theo, Sheik, Nicole and me grabbed two Yaks and off we go to Stadlohn. During our way there, off course Sheik had to show off again, the dude simply can’t fly straight and level. At Stadlohn Dieter welcomed us open armed, especially Theo, he does a lot of maintenance work there at radials engines. 

At Friday and Saturday after the party we visited the local pub in Sudlohn, and there we’ve a lot of new friends. In particular we where talking to Emma, it is the Mascotte of a football club called Borsia Dortmund.
After leaving Stadlohn heading back to Sanicole we discovered an unknown passenger on board of the Yaks. You bet it was Emma !! It was too late to return to Stadlohn now so we had to head back for Sanicole. We had a good talk with Emma and her intentions. We did not like at all she was getting uninvited on board of our Yaks and leaving the pub in the unknown. We told her to get back to Sudlohn but there were NO intentions at all. Emma’s planning is to travel around the world in a year flying all different types of aircraft. A logbook will be kept and she will return in September 2009 to Sudlohn. We told Emma to write a letter to the pub with her intentions, and so she did.
Leaving Stadlohn
Do you see Emma?

After Sanicole, Emma booked herself a privat Jet
Off she went, destination unknown.

After all, we had a SUPER weekend, thanks Dieter and his team, also Theo thanks for all your effort last year for the Yakkes Foundation.