Zoersel training
Arriving Friday afternoon we were welcomed by the most friendly people of Zoersel Airport, as they usual do!
Gena and Nicole ferried the Red Yak from Sanicole doing flick flacks humpty thumps revised hard to explain manoeuvres at Zoersel expecting the ground crew to watch them coming in… However the weather was so good, the ground crew wasn’t leaving there rendez vous terras in Eindhoven at that time, so nobody of us where there to see them arriving.
We had some cancelations due to some technical problems. Actually only the Red Yak arrived and a guest participant Steve “Kiwi” van Dijck from Lelystad "Yaks over Holland" joined up with our training weekend. Kiwi, a former air force jock with his roots in New Zealand, just purchased a really, really nice Yak-52 out of the UK. The paintjob is awesome, and off course our photographer Eric Coeckelberghs was jumping left and right to take some images. See here..

Nicole and lovely Suzanne, our hostess for the evening
Suzanne warned us, IF you see the glasses straight, you should quit drinking !

Had a great fun, relaxed weekend, good flying, good fun, good everything.
Zoersel.. thanks for all, really appreciate it.
Team Yakkes.